About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to enable healthcare professionals to improve health outcomes of over 100 million people with long term conditions

healthcare protected earth icon
Two hands icon protecting heart

Our Vision

Healum believes everyone in the world has the right to monitor and understand every aspect of their physical and mental health. We want to provide them with access to services and content that they need to be the healthiest version of themselves

Partners and Customers

How we work

Co-creation and collaboration is in our DNA. With this people-centered approach we are working with healthcare professionals across healthcare community to provide an evidence based approach for personalised care and support. We work with patient support groups and people with long-term conditions to learn and ensure their voice forms the corner stone of everything that we do.

We are a team of passionate individuals, who share the vision of improving the health and wellbeing of the human civilisation by bringing cost effective preventative health to every single person on this planet

Meet the team

Talk to us

Come talk to us about how you would like to change healthcare on this planet

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